RIASEC Career Inventory
Pain Points
Unsure of the best career choices based on one’s interests
Do not have a proper understanding of the type of skills and work environment that is best suited for them
Discover your work interests and values through RIASEC
An ideal job is where you undertake a task that leverages on what you are passionate about and what you are talented in. It allows you to do more of what you are already interested in.
In this career profile inventory, students will get to know their top career preferences and the jobs, skills, and work environment that are best suited to these interests.
Who is it for?
Students 13 years old and above
Early Career Guidance Programme
Key Takeaways
Be aware of the career role preferences
Understand the skills, tasks, and work environment that best match these preferences
Develop a career action plan that leverages in honing skills and knowledge in their respective interest areas